Hi All!
I have realised from the last several posts on my blog that I have been in a fairly negative mindset - arguably, aren't we all at the moment?
This year certainly hasn't been kind to us and we have had to face a lot of adversity but on the whole, it has definitely put into perspective what is important in our lives.
To try and balance out all the depressing and sad posts I have decided to write about what I am grateful for and how I have been coping with the great COVID outbreak of 2020.
I find that routine, for me, is essential, once I am out of it I feel anxious and lost and I start making up jobs that didn't need doing or I then start a job and most of the time, regrettably, I don't finish it...
Here are some of my top tips that work for me:
Nobody is saying you need to plan your day out down to the minute but having some kind of structure to your day can really help.
For example, I wake up around the same time every day, I eat breakfast with my husband, I start work, and the majority of the time I work out late morning and then have lunch, more work, and then dinner - after dinner is a free for all but usually it involves binging a Netflix series and drinking hot chocolate!
Now, this is easier said than done for a lot of people, especially during lockdown when all the gyms are closed but for me, exercise is a crucial part of my day.
I don't mean you have to run 10k every day, even just a walk can help, not only with your physical health but also with your mental health. Getting your blood pumping boosts the serotonin levels in the body and can help shift that dark cloud lingering over your head. These are anxious and unknown times and exercise is one thing that can help you gain routine and hopefully shake off some of that anxiety.
I personally have a home gym in my garage, and it has been so much better for me. I used to be an avid gym-goer but amongst all of this chaos, I couldn't imagine going somewhere with a lot of people. It has also helped my mental health massively, I noticed that going to the gym was lowering my self-esteem a lot, seeing others that were slimmer than me or had more muscle, I couldn't help but compare - but now the only competition I have is myself.
Look, we both know that I am going to tell you to eat 'the right foods' and those foods, in the end, do make us feel better, but also - you need a treat once in a while. It's all about balance, which is something I have learnt the hard way, if possible do not cut out food groups if you have a dietary requirement this advice doesn't apply to you but you need a good balance of all food groups.
At the end of the day, food is fuel, and your body reacts to different foods in different ways, some bodies may be able to handle a lot of carbs, some may not, some may have issues with digestion and some people can eat anything - that's life. You need to find out what works for you, you will know if bread causes you to become bloated, you will know if sweets send you on a high, you will know if you feel good eating the foods you eat - listen to your body, that is the best advice I can give.
I noticed that before lockdown I wasn't doing anything but work, exercise and watch TV, as soon as lockdown came around I knew that needed to change. I started to play more games, read books again, rite more and I decided to take the plunge and record myself singing - at first this was extremely daunting and even now I have not posted a song in weeks but I am determined to keep going, I practice, I record but I'm doing it for myself at the moment. I noticed as soon as I posted it I received little to no feedback and the feedback I did receive was indifferent or negative. It's hard but you need to do these things for yourself, I know I can sing, I am not going to sit here and say I can't but I just need to practice and utilise the tools I have (editing software/mic etc.). What I am trying to say it, go for it, go for that hobby you have always wanted to do, go write a book, make a film, create something amazing because if any time is a perfect time, it's now!
Relax (me time)
We have so much time on our hands but do we actually take time out for ourselves? Self-care is so important for yourself and others if you feel refreshed you will inadvertently radiate confidence and bring happiness to those around you. I personally love a good face mask, a hot bath and a little pamper session where I pluck my eyebrows, moisturise my legs and have a brew - whatever relaxes you take the time out to do it for yourself.
I could go on with things that have helped me but I will stop there - I have kept myself busy over lockdown with things such as decorating and baking but taking time out to do the things you love is so important. You are your number one priority and you need to realise that - you deserve to relax and enjoy life.
Let me know how you have managed to stay sane during lockdown (or how you haven't!) I'd love to hear from you :)
Stay safe!
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