
Hey guys,

Sorry I've been gone for a while, I have just been swept up with life...it sounds like a crappy excuse but I have had no time to myself lately with work, a social life (kind of) and general responsibilities...it's been a nightmare.

I will upload the rest of the Vegan week (yes I actually completed it) and give you my thoughts on why I went back to meat in the end (just poultry for now).

I haven't been feeling myself this week, my motivation has taken a drastic hit and my food has been all over the place, to say the least.

I am finding it hard to explain these drastic changes in energy levels, my main focus was my diet but even when it is at its best some days I still struggle to find motivation. I feel as though I need some sort of constant in my life, it feels like I'm trapped in a web and frankly, its a messy web.

I have had comments about my weight and appearance and it really is lovely to hear that I'm looking healthier and losing weight, so thank you! However, I think there is still something in the back of my mind stopping me from reaching my goals. I am searching so hard for the answer and over thinking every aspect of my life that I think it's doing more harm than good. Right now, I have spots (which I never get) I'm retaining water like mad and I feel miserable, not...unhappy, just a kind of melancholy which is anchoring me down.

There are a couple of things I've tried to do to try and motivate myself and get back on track:

  1. I prepared all of my lunches for the week - for work
  2. I started a new workout routine with more circuits 
  3. I have tried to have some time to myself each day, however, I've been so tired that this alone time has been spent sleeping...oops
  4. I am trying to get out more for walks/runs - i feel like the fresh air really helps my head
All I can say is that I am a very impatient person and for some reason I think that changing these things will make my extraordinarily happy over night...no. Even typing that makes me sound stupid, really? How could I think that it would happen...

Anyway, all good things come to those who wait and the fact is that weight loss is not a nice downward line its full of ups and downs, weight gain, weight loss, muscle gain, all you can eat holidays...you know the usual...so I need to try and not be so hard on myself, but like I've said before we are our worst critics!

How do you get your motivation back? Do you have a certain routine that helps?

Please let me know your thoughts!

And I hope you have a great day! 


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