Running for beginners
I know that not everyone is a fan of running, and when I first started fitness neither was I. I was under the assumption that because I was overweight and had 'tree trunk thighs' I wouldn't be able to run for more than a minute - and to be perfectly honest I was right. However, most of that weakness came from my mind, not from my athletic ability, I was told from a young age that 'I wasn't built for running' and from then on I didn't even try...
First of all, I want to describe what running feels like for me, for some reason running further or running faster gives me on the highest feelings of accomplishment I've ever experienced. I know for some of you out there, lifting heavier or getting more reps gives you the same feeling, this is just my point of view. It makes you feel lighter, and when it starts to get easier you start to smile at the fact that you can now run more than 2 minutes without having to stop. When I was running every day, and running at least 5k every morning, I stepped off the treadmill and went outside, and it was spectacular, the differences in terrain, the fresh air, the endless new routes you can take - it was bliss. I know that when you're a bit bigger, going outside to run can be a daunting task, but I can assure you that even if you don't want to run or jog you can easily just go for a lovely walk to clear your head and the only person judging you - is yourself.
And so now, having gained most of my weight back, I am starting over again and learning to appreciate every milestone I take when it comes to fitness.
And as I am a pear shape I want to give you some advice for running when you're bottom-heavy, just little things that I feel are important:
First of all, I want to describe what running feels like for me, for some reason running further or running faster gives me on the highest feelings of accomplishment I've ever experienced. I know for some of you out there, lifting heavier or getting more reps gives you the same feeling, this is just my point of view. It makes you feel lighter, and when it starts to get easier you start to smile at the fact that you can now run more than 2 minutes without having to stop. When I was running every day, and running at least 5k every morning, I stepped off the treadmill and went outside, and it was spectacular, the differences in terrain, the fresh air, the endless new routes you can take - it was bliss. I know that when you're a bit bigger, going outside to run can be a daunting task, but I can assure you that even if you don't want to run or jog you can easily just go for a lovely walk to clear your head and the only person judging you - is yourself.
And so now, having gained most of my weight back, I am starting over again and learning to appreciate every milestone I take when it comes to fitness.
And as I am a pear shape I want to give you some advice for running when you're bottom-heavy, just little things that I feel are important:
- Take it easy - seriously. If you are bottom heavy it is a lot harder to walk/move and just start by going on long walks, doing uphill walking on the treadmill and experiencing different types of cardio, it will all help you when you start to run.
- Invest in some gym leggings that you feel comfortable in and that suck your thighs in as much as possible, I found that as soon as I put those pants on I suddenly have the ability to do cardio because I don't have my ass wobbling everywhere. Gravity sucks.
- Just like point 2 you also need to invest in some good trainers that will support you and your body, I have had good experiences with Sketchers (with gel) and Nike running shoes, but I believe Karrimor do some good gel running shoes so have a look around and find the most comfortable ones for you - you're going to be using them a lot!
- Stay hydrated
- Make sure you are fuelling your body for the right activity, when I first lost weight I was focused on low fat and low carb food, this was a rookie mistake as carbs are the fuel you will need to run, now I'm not saying go crazy with pasta and bread as you still need to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight, but just don't cut food groups from your diet unless you need to.
- Don't worry about what other people think. YOU are here to better yourself, become healthier and live longer who cares if that girl over there has abs or that guy is lean, they all started somewhere and you are doing the same thing today!
- The only competition you have is yourself so keep pushing yourself to achieve more, one day run 2 minutes non-stop, the next try 3 minutes and then a 10-minute walk, you won't get better if you don't challenge yourself. Keep pushing.
- Injuries can happen at any time so take care of yourself by stretching after every run or every workout!
These are just my tips and there are plenty more I can give as you improve but for now, these are beginners tips to running, focused on those women who are pear shaped. It's not an easy ride being pear shaped as the last place you will lose weight is the lower half of your body, so keep on striving to be the best you can be and appreciate every step of the journey, enjoy it!
Running can be the best thing in the world and you can improve, step by step.
Take it from me.
That healthy girl xox