Which diet is right for you?
So, as some of you may know I started my 'health' journey back in 2012. I can't say that I made a lot of progress back then in discovering a healthy lifestyle but I did learn how to lose weight -- Eat a lot less and move a lot more.
Anyway, 5 years later in 2017 and I am still discovering what the best option for me in terms of diet is, I have tried EVERYTHING: Veganism, Vegetarianism, Pescetarianism, Keto, High fat, Low carb, No carb, High carb, Low fat, Slim fast, Slimming world, Weight watchers, you name it I have either done it or know a lot about it. It is DRAINING.
I have already admitted I am a yo-yo dieter, if you ask me to lose 5 pounds in a week the bet is I could, but then I would gain it all back (and then some) the following week....
What I am trying to say is, the first time I lost weight I didn't care about the contents of my food and ignorance really IS bliss...now I can't touch food without looking at the labels or assessing how badly it'll effect my health. I.am.so.sick.of.it.
And, so, from this day forward I vow to eat what I want, no calorie counting, no binge eating, no starvation, I will eat when I am hungry and after all these years of obsessing over my eating habits, I think I know what to eat, it is all about balance, some days I will want to eat half a packet of digestives and another day I will want to barely eat at all...that's life and you need to listen to your body, not shove endless chicken and broccoli down your throat to achieve gains...
The same goes for workouts, do something you enjoy, not something that you dread doing each day (for me that's HIIT, which we all know is good for you but...no) some days I LOVE running, the next day I love cycling, I like to mix it up, and after trying out weights for a little while I can tell you that sitting in front of a mirror lifting heavy things is not my idea of fun (no matter what the results are) I like cardio, I like walking and I like to be outside! So use THAT as exercise, don't beat yourself up just because you didn't go to the gym or you didn't do that HIIT session that kills you.
Health isn't a 'diet' it's a lifestyle change, you change your life!
And doing something you don't enjoy will not last, you will fall even more out of love with it and give up.
Just live your life, enjoy every minute, eat healthily, have a treat, work out, walk instead of taking the bus. But don't let it consume you!
I will tell you one massive secret that has always helped me and has always correlated to my weight loss -- being happy!
You do have a choice to be happy, so make it, stop fantasizing about what other people think, stop crying over something you can't control and if you can, do something about it! We are all on our own journies so please remember that if Keto works for one person that's fine, but it doesn't mean you should try it or it will have the same results for you. BE YOU, BE UNIQUE & CREATE YOUR OWN PATH.

Anyway, 5 years later in 2017 and I am still discovering what the best option for me in terms of diet is, I have tried EVERYTHING: Veganism, Vegetarianism, Pescetarianism, Keto, High fat, Low carb, No carb, High carb, Low fat, Slim fast, Slimming world, Weight watchers, you name it I have either done it or know a lot about it. It is DRAINING.
I have already admitted I am a yo-yo dieter, if you ask me to lose 5 pounds in a week the bet is I could, but then I would gain it all back (and then some) the following week....
What I am trying to say is, the first time I lost weight I didn't care about the contents of my food and ignorance really IS bliss...now I can't touch food without looking at the labels or assessing how badly it'll effect my health. I.am.so.sick.of.it.
And, so, from this day forward I vow to eat what I want, no calorie counting, no binge eating, no starvation, I will eat when I am hungry and after all these years of obsessing over my eating habits, I think I know what to eat, it is all about balance, some days I will want to eat half a packet of digestives and another day I will want to barely eat at all...that's life and you need to listen to your body, not shove endless chicken and broccoli down your throat to achieve gains...
The same goes for workouts, do something you enjoy, not something that you dread doing each day (for me that's HIIT, which we all know is good for you but...no) some days I LOVE running, the next day I love cycling, I like to mix it up, and after trying out weights for a little while I can tell you that sitting in front of a mirror lifting heavy things is not my idea of fun (no matter what the results are) I like cardio, I like walking and I like to be outside! So use THAT as exercise, don't beat yourself up just because you didn't go to the gym or you didn't do that HIIT session that kills you.
Health isn't a 'diet' it's a lifestyle change, you change your life!
And doing something you don't enjoy will not last, you will fall even more out of love with it and give up.
Just live your life, enjoy every minute, eat healthily, have a treat, work out, walk instead of taking the bus. But don't let it consume you!
I will tell you one massive secret that has always helped me and has always correlated to my weight loss -- being happy!
You do have a choice to be happy, so make it, stop fantasizing about what other people think, stop crying over something you can't control and if you can, do something about it! We are all on our own journies so please remember that if Keto works for one person that's fine, but it doesn't mean you should try it or it will have the same results for you. BE YOU, BE UNIQUE & CREATE YOUR OWN PATH.