Fad Diets

Like thousands of others I keep running to them, but why??
Now I have gained the weight again I feel like I have hit a big brick wall. I feel like whatever I do I can't seem to lose weight.
I am training every day (not as hard as I could be, I may add) and I am eating GOOD, wholesome food, but something still isn't right.
And so, I turn to these 30-day plans, these detoxes, different eating methods that tell you to cut this out, cut that out and magically everything will work out for the best. Don't get me wrong, for most people these are great because it will kick start their healthy eating journies but when it comes to healthy eating, I know how to eat healthily, don't I? After 4 years of on and off training and watching what I eat I should know how to fuel my body but after all this time I still have doubts in my mind.
Should I be eating carbs?
Should I be cutting calories, and if so by how much?
If I train shouldn't I be eating more to refuel?
Should I work out before breakfast?
The list goes on and on...and through all this thinking there is one thing that is apparent.
I am over-thinking and in turn, this means I am not DOING everything I could be. I am constantly worrying if I am doing the right thing if building muscle is the right thing to do... Now, writing this down I sound pretty stupid, especially because I've done this before, but why can't I seem to get all this food business out of my mind.
Day after day I scroll through Facebook and see fitness posts. Diet plans, Successful weight loss stories and to a certain extent they motivate me, however, on the other hand, I know that these people could be me if I tried a little harder.
After getting rid of my weight one thing I didn't learn was when to stop, and also how to maintain the weight I had. Learning when to stop was difficult as this was my first weight loss journey and I thought the thinner I was, the better, no this is not accurate at all because I wasn't healthy, I was thin.
Second of all, maintenance, this is such a difficult task, knowing how many calories you need to live, not over-eating, working out to maintain, not to lose, so many different factors to consider...I'm going a little off track here, but my point is this- Fad diets will probably help you lose weight, but what do you do when they're over? You need to learn how to fuel your body, everybody needs every type of food group (whether you're a Carnivore, Vegetarian or Vegan) you need to learn how to fuel your body and what works for YOU.
Some steps I'm trying to take are these:
- I have cut down on dairy products, I no longer use milk instead I drink Almond Milk (unsweetened)
- I occasionally have greek yoghurt but I am careful to watch the effect it has on me and my gut (bloating etc.)
- I am trying to cut down on Sugar more so added sugar, and I'm watching my fruit intake
- Preparing my meals in advance- this is a huge one and helps SO MUCH.
- Basically, I am eating nothing out of a packet, it's all wholesome good food.
But the biggest hurdle I am trying to overcome is my own mind.
The one thing I have learnt about Fitness and Nutrition is that the only thing that is stopping you is you, your body can go the distance (even with some extra baggage) your body wants good food, the only person stopping you is YOU and that is something I need to remember because so often I tell myself I am not worthy of this or I will make the same mistakes along the way.
At the moment, my opinion on Fad Diets vary as some of them are beneficial when teaching people how to eat healthily, but all in all, you just need to learn what works for your body and not eat out of a packet.