Local market vs. Supermarket

Anyway, the point I'm trying to make it buying fresh food will always cost more as you need it more often.
If you are lucky enough to live somewhere with a food market you should always take advantage of it!
Not only does it support local produce but most of the time it's a lot cheaper!
I live in Kingston-upon-Thames and at the moment a little market resides in a church yard within the town center, but usually there is a market every Monday and Thursday in the town square.
This market sells fresh fruit/veg, Bread, Cheese and stalls that produce hot cuisine of different cultures, beautiful!
I am always looking for fruit and vegetable that is reasonably priced and good quality and these were both.
Strawberries: £1.00
Blackberries: £1.00
5 x Sweet red peppers: £1.00
Spring onions: £0.50
In the supermarket the strawberries could cost up to £3.00, Blackberries the same and sweet peppers are around £2.00 for 3! So a lot of savings which is great when you're on a student budget like me. Also, the quality of supermarket fruit and veg has gone steadily downhill, the prices have risen and the sizes have decreased, moral of the story is- shop around. You can have a healthy diet at a reasonable cost if you try, it's a lifestyle after all so you might as well invest.
What is your experience with buying fresh fruit and veg, has it cost you a fortune? please comment below I would love to hear!
These are all gone now, so I guess it's time to head back to the market and re-stock! I usually get my red grapes from here too but they were all sold out, and I think I will invest in some other bits and bobs too.
Just to add, I am making some adjustments to the design of my blog so it might be changing regularly!
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