Illness sucks
As the tittle of this post suggests I have not been well lately...
It seemed to be one thing after the other, a head cold mixed with a sore throat, a bad stomach and a constant feeling of fatigue.
It got me down in the dumps, and especially because I wasn't able to exercise which usually makes me feel a lot better in myself, but not being able to move from bed put a stop to that.
I want to share my experience of being worried about not being able to work out; first a foremost, try not to worry, which is easier said than done in my case. The fact is you are ill and your body needs to recover from the illness, which means lots of rest and lots of fluids.
Whilst I was suffering from this head cold (Which I thought was nothing) I attempted to go to the gym, it wasn't the greatest idea, I couldn't breath properly and my energy was nowhere to be seen! So please do rest your body, because the sooner you do the sooner you will be able to get back on to your feet again.
Another tip is if you are starting to feel a little better you should ween your body back into exercise slowly, I have started doing just 10 minutes of yoga every morning and it is making the world of difference not only to how flexible I am but my mood is instantly transformed and it puts a big smile on my face. So do some little exercises at home on a yoga mat, whether it's Yoga, Pilates or just some light cardio ready for getting back to the gym again.
One thing about a head cold and a blocked nose is not being able to taste or smell your food, this was something that really annoyed me and meant I never knew what I wanted to eat, like I said before as long as you are getting fluids inside and are able to eat you really need to, just think of it as fuel for your body. I basically lived off hot drinks and soup, but whenever I was unblocked enough to smell I ate what I felt like and tried to get good nutritious food into my body.
I naively thought that because I exercise regularly, eat right and take supplements (vitamins) that getting an illness would be off the table, but nobody is superhuman and it comes to us all at some point, this one for me was one of the worst and I'm only just at the end of the cycle which was finished off by a horribly bad stomach.
I'm back at the gym and feeling better, it is disheartening losing muscle mass and having to work a little harder but I am slowly but surely getting back into my routine so if you're in the same boat don't worry the gym will still be there when you're well again and in fact I've started to mix my routine up a little which is making me more excited to head to the gym. So use this break as an excuse to try something new in your fitness routine.
Lastly, apologies for the lack of posts but I have been in no state to describe what I was eating and the fact I wasn't even at the gym!
I have a few posts coming up about oriental cuisine and some new work outs I've started with the BOSU.
Thanks for reading, and have a great day!
It seemed to be one thing after the other, a head cold mixed with a sore throat, a bad stomach and a constant feeling of fatigue.
It got me down in the dumps, and especially because I wasn't able to exercise which usually makes me feel a lot better in myself, but not being able to move from bed put a stop to that.
I want to share my experience of being worried about not being able to work out; first a foremost, try not to worry, which is easier said than done in my case. The fact is you are ill and your body needs to recover from the illness, which means lots of rest and lots of fluids.
Whilst I was suffering from this head cold (Which I thought was nothing) I attempted to go to the gym, it wasn't the greatest idea, I couldn't breath properly and my energy was nowhere to be seen! So please do rest your body, because the sooner you do the sooner you will be able to get back on to your feet again.
Another tip is if you are starting to feel a little better you should ween your body back into exercise slowly, I have started doing just 10 minutes of yoga every morning and it is making the world of difference not only to how flexible I am but my mood is instantly transformed and it puts a big smile on my face. So do some little exercises at home on a yoga mat, whether it's Yoga, Pilates or just some light cardio ready for getting back to the gym again.
One thing about a head cold and a blocked nose is not being able to taste or smell your food, this was something that really annoyed me and meant I never knew what I wanted to eat, like I said before as long as you are getting fluids inside and are able to eat you really need to, just think of it as fuel for your body. I basically lived off hot drinks and soup, but whenever I was unblocked enough to smell I ate what I felt like and tried to get good nutritious food into my body.
I naively thought that because I exercise regularly, eat right and take supplements (vitamins) that getting an illness would be off the table, but nobody is superhuman and it comes to us all at some point, this one for me was one of the worst and I'm only just at the end of the cycle which was finished off by a horribly bad stomach.
I'm back at the gym and feeling better, it is disheartening losing muscle mass and having to work a little harder but I am slowly but surely getting back into my routine so if you're in the same boat don't worry the gym will still be there when you're well again and in fact I've started to mix my routine up a little which is making me more excited to head to the gym. So use this break as an excuse to try something new in your fitness routine.
Lastly, apologies for the lack of posts but I have been in no state to describe what I was eating and the fact I wasn't even at the gym!
I have a few posts coming up about oriental cuisine and some new work outs I've started with the BOSU.
Thanks for reading, and have a great day!